Sunday, July 6, 2008


This last week was the Cornerstone Festival. The whole fam was there the whole time. Matt and I went for the day on saturday.
I've always wanted to go. And it is a very cool place. But I guess since being married or something, music is what it used to be to me. So I knew like, hardly any of the bands that were there. And a lot of the ones I did know, played before we got there. It was still a good time and we did get to see one band we really like!

I took this picture mean for Josh. For obvious reasons.This is one of many generator stages. This seemed to be on of the bigger ones. The guy with the beard is also playing at one. Basically they were for unsigned bands that were trying to get noticed. All these stages were real close together. Like to the right of this one, was a road, and then another stage. At one point, when there were a bunch of people at this stage (such as in the pic) the band from the other stage was facing this crowd and playing! quite funny. Someone called the generator stage area "Chainsaw alley." haI think this is my favorite picture. Everyone just wants to be noticed!Joel doing what Joel does best.
And Hosanna doing what Hosanna does best: biting her nails and talking! (below)
I think this was Matt and I's favorite show/band (Their name is Luminate). We just walked into this tent and saw them. They're really good. Kinda reminded us of Phil Whickham. And Matt, Hosanna and I at the main stage.Joel with some friends playing some strange foot game. He played it for forever, so apparently it's pretty fun.This is the main stage. The night before was David Crowder. sniff sniff.

This is Hosanna dancing. I missed the real funny part when she was rocking it out, head banging and all.
This is Haste the Day. A band that Matt likes a lot...or at least did.

ha! Only Hosanna.

It was a nice trip to see my fam before we leave. Eight more days!!

Oh and there were some funny shirts there. This was one of Matt and I's favorite.Front


Hannah said...

Those were great pictures with the one day taht you were there! I was tehre a whole week and only took a couple backstage :D haha. I win.

That was sad seeing you for the last time :( But I'll see you in December :D Yay.

Faith Zahn said...

Looks like fun!  Don't fret about David Crowder - last time he was here Kourtney sat in the first row and could go backstage, so maybe that'll happen again!?  See you real soon!  Get ready for good times!

rosie said...

Nice pics! I've always wanted to go to COrnerstone. But I was at a vey different music festival thsiweekend. the purpose for many was simply to get drunk. Cornerstone sounds cool! I can't wait til I'm at a better computer to watch the videos!


Joni Scott said...

I am jealous of your excellent photos! You had a great one of the generator stage and the porta-Johns! Than that video of Hosanna out cold during a metal band is hilarious! I also liked her dancing because you could really get a feel of what it is like watching a band from the hill on Main stage.
PS: Luke rode home with us and he said he thought you all would be at main stage Sat night and didn't know you were leaving so early.
He says "Bye and I love you guys." ;-) Well... It's what he was thinking, anyway.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha! I love those videos of hosanna!!! can you email them to me? so I have them for future laughs!

and that shirt was by far my favorite shirt at cornerstone!!! ha ha!

Anonymous said...

at least you were the first to comment on my site so none of my faithful fans will be led astray!!!

I think Hosanna loves Lee Marie, because of her rock n' roll, sassy attitude...seriously.

since we've been home, Hosanna's got a new rock to her step when she's singing on the microphone. It's adorable.